The Library

Welcome to

The Library & Learning Resource Centre

The Library & Learning Resource Centre provides a variety of resources and services to the staff and students of the London School of Osteopathy.  The centre provides access to books, online and paper-based journals and past papers as well as audiovisual material. The IT centre enable users to access online resources, Internet, e-mail, printing and other subject and service specific software available on campus.

LSO Library OPAC

London School of Osteopathy students will now be able to search library catalogue (OPAC) online .

You can also renew and reserve books online.

Please login with your LSO email and password (you have recently created with Librarika email invitation).

If you can not find what you are looking for please do not hesitate to contact us at

London School of Osteopathy Digital Library and Learning Resources

The students of London School of Osteopathy have got access to a number of digital resources and e-learning materials.

A login is required to access these resources. Please use LSO email address and password to access these resources.

Dissertations Library

Please click on the link below to browse past dissertation dated 2005-2020.

A login is required to access these resources. Please use LSO email address and password to access these resources.

Access to Anglia Ruskin University’s libraries and information network

Students also have access to Anglia Ruskin University’s libraries and information network.

Enrolment is required to activate these facilities. The LSO librarian will help you to register with ARU Services.

Library Opening Hours

The library is open as a space for you to work during college opening hours. In addition the librarian will be available to assist you with any queries during the following hours in term-time:

Tuesday and Thursday 9.30 am – 4.00 pm

Saturday and Sunday 10.30 am – 6.00 pm (during college teaching weekends)

One-to-One Student Support Sessions

Student Support Sessions are available at LSO Library (The Grange) and via Zoom. This includes:

  • introduction to the LSO library and resources
  • searching online learning materials
  • searching library catalogue
  • access to resources at Anglia Ruskin University (ARU) library
  • help with ARU login and account set up
  • help with ICT e.g. setting up WiFi and printing facilities etc.

Schedule One-to-One Student Support Sessions

Library Resources - News & Updates

LSO students and staff can now have access to 3B Smart Anatomy App. Once you have downloaded the app and completed registration, you can enjoy unlimited access to;

  • 23 Anatomy Lectures
  • 117 Interactive Virtual Models
  • 39 Quizzes







Please click here to find out more information about downloading and setting up the app.

Stock Suggestions/Recommendations

At LSO we are keen to hear about book recommendations from students and teaching staff. This will help us to develop more current and relevant stock. If you would like to suggest a title(s), please submit your request by filling up the form below.

We will do our best to provide suggested titles as per our stock acquisition policy.

    Book Title (required)



    Date of Publication


    ISBN Number

    Email Address

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