Student voice
Our students often tell us that they feel involved and listened to, and we have an excellent track record of adopting and embedding students’ suggestions and initiatives into our ways of working. One of the benefits of being a relatively small organisation is that we can operate an ‘open door’ policy, enabling you to connect with tutors, clinicians and our senior management team with ease. Students are also represented in formal committees that ensure standards, and direct policy and strategy.
Personal support
In the event that you have any personal concerns or anxieties, our Student Advisor will provide one-to-one support. There is also a wealth of online support materials, ranging from study skills, pastoral support, mindfulness and more. Students can also avail themselves of osteopathic treatment at our teaching clinic (subject to availability).
Bursary for learning resources
All students receive an annual bursary to support their learning needs. In the first year, we will provide course text books at the start of the academic year, and in subsequent years you can select your own purchases, which may include clinical equipment and learning apps.
“Being in a smaller class of 25 – 30 people meant I could get that one-to-one hands on tuition and support from the staff.”
Julie Empey, background: manager(wine company)