Osteopathic training
The London School of Osteopathy is a registered Charity, whose objectives are:
‘the advancement of the science and practice of osteopathy for the public benefit and the education and training of persons in this subject.’
The LSO achieves this via its validated course and associated outpatient clinic.
The London School of Osteopathy will continue to be a respected and successful provider of courses of excellence in professional osteopathy at undergraduate and postgraduate levels. The LSO will have a strong validation agreement with a university and will be accredited by the General Osteopathic Council as having Recognised Qualification (RQ) status. The LSO will become a ‘learning organisation’ which cultivates a learning environment that stretches, inspires and supports staff and students in their personal and professional development, and beyond this into the local community and wider osteopathic community. It will combine innovative and traditional approaches, and nurture a passion for the profession with alumni as ambassadors for the profession at all levels across the world.
To be an effective, efficient and supportive learning organisation committed to the generation, provision & development of high quality osteopathic education and research which meets the needs and requirements of all stakeholders. The LSO will continue to make significant contributions to the health care of its diverse local population.
To provide structured learning opportunities for students to enable them to become safe, capable and reflective autonomous osteopathic practitioners committed to evidence-based and ethical practice and lifelong learning. Graduates will be equipped to deliver osteopathic healthcare alone or in teams, and interface with whatever political, social & legal frameworks are relevant.
The detailed course aims and learning outcomes are specified in the Course Specification Forms, which are lodged with the University. They were devised to enable students to meet the requirements set out in the Graduate Outcomes for Osteopathic Pre-Registration Education & Standards of Education and Training (GOsC 2022), Osteopathic Practice Standards (GOsC 2019), Subject Benchmark Statement for Osteopathy (QAA 2024), and the Quality Code (QAA). Each module is mapped to the course learning outcomes, ensuring that the curriculum matches the course aims. The learning outcomes and content of each module are enshrined in the Module Definition Forms (housed electronically within the University), and are communicated to students annually via more detailed Module Guides.