Clinical Training
At the LSO we believe gaining ‘hands-on’ experience is paramount for you to be a successful osteopath. The London School of Osteopathy clinic is at the heart of your studies. As a junior student (in the early years of your training) you will be supported by both clinic tutors and our senior students (students in the last two years of the course), who will be able to help you quickly settle into the clinic.
The benefits of clinical training at the LSO
- Your clinical training starts from the first year of your studies. We will provide you with your clinic coat and name badge so you are all set to start attending the clinic. Typically students will start attending the clinic from the second half of the first semester (approx 6 weeks into the course).
- We provide as much flexibility as possible for students to book in their clinical slots. The clinic is open from 8am to 8pm during the week and on alternate Saturdays 9am-5pm during term time. Students are welcome to spend more hours in the clinic than the minimum required hours.
- The clinic serves the diverse local community of Tower Hamlets and beyond, this means as a student you get to see a wide range of patients, presenting with a wide range of conditions and problems. From babies in our paediatric clinic through to the older members of society you will experience a wide spectrum of osteopathy patients.
- All of our clinical teaching team are involved in osteopathy practice outside of the teaching clinic and bring with them a wealth of knowledge and experience. Your clinic tutors have specialist backgrounds in areas including women’s health, paediatrics, sports rehabilitation, structural and cranial osteopathy and equine osteopathy.
- At the end of your studies upon graduation you will be able to apply to work in our clinic as a graduate osteopath. This means you have the support of the LSO whilst managing your own patient list and this provides you with a guaranteed income as you embark on your professional career as an osteopath.
Clinic Hours per year of studies
At the clinic the number of hours spent in the clinic each year varies depending on the pathway you are studying. Students are welcome to exceed these hours. Clinical hours are undertaken over a 12 month period with the exception of the final year. The clinic is open throughout the year and students should complete 2o% of their hours requirement between June and September.
Hours spent in clinic during MOst Degree
Light blue colour represents full-time study hours. Light green colour represents part-time study hours.
Hours spent in clinic during BOst Degree
Light blue colour represents full-time study hours. Light green colour represents part-time study hours.